Tag Archives: Makeup Tips

Makeup Tip #2- Winterize Your Skin

The wind is blowing, snow is falling and it is beginning to feel a lot like a winter wonderland. But, a change in temperature also means a change in how you should take care of your skin. Utilize these seven tips to have a hot bod all winter long.

+Keep showers short. I am a lover of long, hot showers, but the winter cold sucks the moisture out of your skin. Shorter shower with lukewarm water and bath oil helps to retain some of the moisture.

+ Exfoliate (but not more than twice a week).  Now that the heat is cranked up in the house there is less humidity and that can make your skin extremely dry.

+ Pat your skin dry after taking a shower. By leaving your skin slightly wetyour skin will retain more of its own oils.

+ Wear layers.  Make sure to shield your skin by wearing a long-sleeved cotton shirt underneath your Sweater.  Sometimes the fibers in your clothing dry out your skin, especially in the winter months.

+ Don’t forget the sunscreen. The sun shines all year long so if you plan on going outside sun protection is a must.

+ Put down the scented lotion. Fragrances in your lotion may cause itchy, dry skin. Buy products that use natural scents.

+ Drink water. Your skin will be happy and healthy if it remains hydrated. Customize your water intake by dividing your weight in half.

Example:  A person who weighs 140 pounds should drink 70oz (or 8.75 cups of water).


Need help collecting these items? Here is a winter tool kit made just for you!

1.  Julep Pink Grapefruit Body Frosting 

2.  Julep Daylight Defense Lip Balm SPF 15

3.  Julep Daylight Defense for Hands & Face SPF 30

4. Julep Pink Grapefruit Body Scrub

5. Julep Scrub Towel & Mitt
